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굴 in 진짬뽕 해장 오늘 🌃새벽🌇아침까지 🥩고기 🎉 #party 🌪️흑폭풍의🏎️ 🍶🍺🍷🍾🥂🍹 #음주 ~ 후....😵😵💫 🥕 #해장 이 ⚡️급 ☝🏻필요한 🌻일욜 #brunch #짬뽕 🌼정갈단아한~👘 🌷예쁜 👩🏻‍🍳대장금 아내의~ 🍐🍵슴슴한 🐟황태육수 🍲consommé #콩나물국 base 에 자연산 🦪돌굴 듬뿍담뿍 in. #진짬뽕 #noodles #라면 #ramen #ラーメン 💘Like it.😍 😻기가멕히게 Jal익은👍🏻 🏌🏻짜릿한!~ #석박지 무 #김치 가 예술!~🥰 ▶YouTube "Dae Jang Geum Wife's Homemade Food" ▶YouTube "대장금 아내의 집밥" ⭕구독♥조아요✿알림설정 많은시청부탁드려요!~🙏🏻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUxYkhYGrIawbVIMY.. 2023. 2. 12.
궁중잡채 with 와인 한잔 저녁밥 https://youtube.com/shorts/3W2gi57Qyl4 #recipe 와 설명 더!~ 재미있는~~영상은 유튜브 대장금아내의집밥 "잡채 만들기 ε♥₃대장금아내의 집밥" 으로 시청해주세요~ 🐋 I'm back to 🛬 🍀my 💞👫original 🌼 happy 🥰 🍾🥂life!~~🏌🏻‍♀️🏌🏻 Japchae is a traditional Korean food. noodles made from starch And shredded vegetables Stir-fry chopped meat. With homemade special soy sauce and various seasonings, and mix all the ingredients well It's a healthy dish with good.. 2022. 8. 24.
궁중 잡채 만들기 ε♥₃대장금아내의 집밥 https://youtu.be/0I78LjSHQFA Japchae is a traditional Korean food. noodles made from starch And shredded vegetables Stir-fry chopped meat. With homemade special soy sauce and various seasonings, and mix all the ingredients well It's a healthy dish with good balance. Koreans are soul food that is not left out whenever there is a party. 대장금아내의집밥 #homemade #food 대한민국에서 🌟제일 맛있는 🌈#fantastic #deliciou.. 2022. 8. 24.