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대하 훈제오리 월남쌈 with 화이트와인 대하 훈제오리 월남쌈 with 화이트와인 https://youtube.com/shorts/lrDHZuOS_3c?feature=share 🌈variety of vegetables🥗 🪴오늘은 ❄️냉털槪念 🇻🇳월남쌈이여서 🥑아보카도 🍍파인애플 🎸Guitar등등없어욤 😩 💞 #happy ⏰ #time 👫 #with #my #wife 💃🏻🕺🏻 #today #brunch #브런치 #menu ❄️냉털 🧠槪念 🇻🇳🥬월남쌈 #SpringRolls #korean #Style #vegetarian 🍶정종🌬스팀에쪄서 🧈버터구이한🔥 🦕큼지막한 🍤대하 😻정말 💘love it 🫶🏻 🔪채썰은 🥬깻잎과 🌶청양고추 with 🦆훈제오리 구이= 🤔 pretty #good 👌🏻 #대하 #새우 #Shrimp #오리고기 #훈제오리 #smoked.. 2022. 10. 3.
소불고기 전골 with bourgogne pinotnoir 2018 와인한잔 소불고기 전골 with bourgogne pinotnoir 2018 와인한잔 저녁 집밥 https://youtube.com/shorts/OeQVYjl9sJ8 ▶YouTube "대장금 아내의 집밥" "소불고기 전골 만들기 homemade " version 으로 시청해주세요~🙏 #소불고기전골 #만들기 #homemade 오늘의 메뉴 #today #menu 초간단 서울식 한우 불고기 전골 #simple #korean #seoul #style #beef #bulgogi #청란 #blue #egg #sukiyaki 고구마순 #김치 #kimchi #wine #bourgogne #부르고뉴 #pinotnoir 2018 #good #jmt #yummy #好吃 #うまい #저녁 #집밥 2022. 9. 19.
정읍 한우생고기 with 와인한잔 simple 저녁 집밥 https://youtube.com/shorts/rBqjzzPTrPQ This evening's wine is. There was a mistake... Today's wine selection is late... I skipped decanting because I couldn't do it properly because of time I used a wine aerator. Chile 1865 Full Body Shiraz As You Think I was able to have a satisfying dinner by showing a very good match with Korean beef. #행복한 #saturday #evening #simple #dinner #집밥 #소고기 #구이 #전라북도.. 2022. 8. 27.
토요일저녁 아구찜 ~ 명태 고니 + 낙지 +새우 = 해물찜 with 화이트와인 레드와인 https://youtube.com/shorts/n0l5zKmJRns?feature=share #토요일 #yummy #대장금아내의집밥 #homemade #seafood #해물찜 🐟 명태 고니 #with 💞아구밥통 ( 胃 ) 🎊듬북담뿍🎉 🎏 #아구찜 🦐 #shrimp 🐙 #낙지 #today 🌪 #Decanting 🍷#Wine #whitewine #chardonnay 🍇 1865 Single Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 💞🏡우리집 🥕동치미 🥬물김치👍🏻 #kimchi #good #jmt #好吃 #うまい 2022. 7. 30.