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정읍 한우생고기 with 와인한잔 simple 저녁 집밥 https://youtube.com/shorts/rBqjzzPTrPQ This evening's wine is. There was a mistake... Today's wine selection is late... I skipped decanting because I couldn't do it properly because of time I used a wine aerator. Chile 1865 Full Body Shiraz As You Think I was able to have a satisfying dinner by showing a very good match with Korean beef. #행복한 #saturday #evening #simple #dinner #집밥 #소고기 #구이 #전라북도.. 2022. 8. 27.
닭볶음탕 with 와인 https://youtube.com/shorts/Lo7tgHhil0Y 🐓 #닭도리탕 🥕🍗 #닭볶음탕 🌶 #korean #style #spicy #chicken #stew #집반찬 #with 오늘의와인 #today #wine #full #body Tyrrell's, Vat9 #shiraz #대장금아내의집밥 #fantastic #delicious #good #jmt #yummy #好吃 #うまい #korean #home #meal 2022. 8. 22.
일요일 브런치 크림파스타 brunch https://youtube.com/shorts/UAxzClVQ5eo #일요일 #브런치 #brunch #cream #pasta #파스타 #크림파스타 #sunday #noodles #with #pinotnoir #wine #yummy 2022. 8. 7.
한우 등심 투뿔 스테이크 with 와인 한잔 수욜 저녁집밥 [각하네집 수요일 저녁밥상] 한우 등심 A++ 스테이크 with 🍷Shiraz 한잔 수욜 저녁집밥 [각하네집 수요일 저녁밥상] 💞행복한 구정 연휴전🌛🌃저녁 🥩고기tarian 🐋나의💘마음을~ ☝🏻너무나do 👌🏻잘알아주시는~♪ 🦕20여년~ 📅 🌲변함없는~ 🥕정갈 ✨깔끔👘端雅 💞🏡🍚집밥의👸🏻여왕!!~🙏🏻 💯🥗🍳大長今👩🏻‍🍳아내의~👍🏻 🍽입맛 살려주는~👅 🥒simple~🥑recipe~♪ 내가 제일조아하는~ ε♥₃아내의~ 저녁밥상♡ ⏰1시간30분 🎏Decanting💕 🤗잘~🌈열린!~ 🦚진득한!~~ 👯‍♀️full body 🍷Shiraz 💞행복한 구정 연휴전🌛🌃저녁 ✌🏻2어찌 아니 ☝🏻또 🍷Shiraz 한잔아니하지않으리5~ 잇힝!~ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و 🌫Dry aging 🍵진한 🇰🇷한우 🐂투뿔 & 🍴★ 🥩Steak(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)✿ 🍽 👏🏻👏🏻.. 2021. 2. 10.