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횡성 한우 생고기 채끝 등심 & pinotnoir 와인한잔 아내와 맛있구 행복한 저녁식사 https://youtube.com/shorts/wLeX-QumW1g #very #fresh 연하고 ~ #rich 한맛 #횡성 #韓牛 #생고기 #채끝 #등심 #with #오늘의 #와인 = Carmel Road #pinotnoir #장흥 #흑화고 #횡성#한우 구운 #꽈리고추 #combination 2022. 9. 13.
homemade 양평해장국 style 한우 내장탕 따로국밥 선지해장국 homemade 양평 해장국 만들기 https://youtu.be/IKfb6NL7QC4 양평 해장국 집에서 만들기 #homemade #집에서만든 #양평해장국 #style #한우 #내장탕 #곰탕 #따로국밥 #선지해장국 #해장 #korean #spicy #beef #stew #good #jmt #yummy #好吃 #うまい #한국 에서 #제일 #맛있는 #국밥 https://youtube.com/shorts/l_2VOMGomUA?feature=share 2022. 9. 6.
정읍 한우생고기 with 와인한잔 simple 저녁 집밥 https://youtube.com/shorts/rBqjzzPTrPQ This evening's wine is. There was a mistake... Today's wine selection is late... I skipped decanting because I couldn't do it properly because of time I used a wine aerator. Chile 1865 Full Body Shiraz As You Think I was able to have a satisfying dinner by showing a very good match with Korean beef. #행복한 #saturday #evening #simple #dinner #집밥 #소고기 #구이 #전라북도.. 2022. 8. 27.
한우 갈비살 구이 & Tyrrell's, Vat9 shiraz 와인 한잔 https://youtube.com/shorts/4-KDUvQPVyE #대장금아내 💞🏡🍚👸🏻👍🏻 #homemade #delicious #real #simple #집밥 🇰🇷 #한우 #갈비살 #beef #shorts #ribs #meat #barbecue #sauce 🎌🌵🎎 しずおか #shizuoka わさび #wasabi #with #today 🍇🍷 #wine 🥂 #full #body Tyrrell's, Vat9 #shiraz #good #jmt #yummy #好吃 #うまい 2022. 8. 14.